Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hi all, time to talk business.

The sorting into committees for SLV has been done! Due to underwhelming response, i had to put some of you people into the committee i think you'll excel in the most. Hopefully there's no discontent with the arrangement, if any of you has any, tell me and i'll see what i can do about it. Btw the * would mean that the person is one of the 2 leaders in the committee. So here goes...

Communication (7)
Angie *
Ken *

For the Comm. comm. (comm. ^2 !), you have to find relevant targets and then approach them to see if we can execute our plan with their cooperation. Reminder : Our target has been decided that it'll be children, so try to keep it within orphanages or childcare centres.  All the other communication needs of the other 2 committees will also be under you guys (like booking or ordering or whatnot), but the main objective here is to get an organisation that is willing to cooperate with us. Once that is done you'll help out in the other committees also. More on that later.

Logistics (8)
Cihui *
Sabeer *

Logistics comm will have to think of, decide and get all the stuff we need, by any legal means, and to keep within budget ($40). You guys will need to no. of people that are going to know how much of what to get, so before that info comes in, you can think about what to get and find out the pricing for each item, then find the max. no. of people we can bring along with our budget. Please please please try to keep to the budget as much as possible, cause if we overshoot the extra will either have to come from fundraising or our own pockets, both which are very troublesome so yah.

Planning (12)
Arun *

Planning comm. have quite a lot to do. You'll have to
-Plan the schedule. Try to keep it at around 6 hrs, including traveltime and lunchtime and all hte other kinds of times.
-Predict and come up with solutions for potential problems. I'll include a list of potential problem we have already thought of, and you can add to that. If you need any help from the committees for the solutions, tell the leaders and me.
-Plan route. This would mean that you have to go down to the barrage to collect data ( places to go, traveltime etc.) so i'll leave you guys to decide on that.
- Think of the learning outcomes for this trip. Refer to my scans to ask me for the guidelines and suggested learning outcomes.
- Most importantly, be on time! The whole plan is what i may need to write the proposal and perhaps needed to also persuade the organisations to work with us. Logistics also may need some info from you guys, so please try to stick to the schedule!

Okay that's all for committees. Now for timings.

Mrs chan said the proposal will have to be handed in by wednesay optimally, but i think that should be impossible without the info. So, i'll try to bargain with her somehow, to be submitted to her by the wednesday after march hols. Therefore,

Planning: Try to get the plan more or less written up by the Sunday before school starts, so i can rush the proposal on time.

Communication : Try to contact some of the organisations, and see if they're willing to let us bring their children out for a day during or sometime before june hols. If they no need a plan yet even better. If they do, then take note of their name and we'll call them back once our plan is done. Preferably to be done by the march hols Friday.

Logistics : Try to figure out the max no. of people we can bring along. If cannot, at the minimum, get the list of stuff we need and the pricing, as low as possible. Also on Sunday.

Okay, this bit is for Planning. I know this is one long post, but do bear with me for a while more.

In addition to the weather problems, we'll have problems like what we can or cannot do there, like painting there, which will probably create a mess, so do we abort the plan or find an alternative? Also, we have to make sure we don't bring the children out too early or send them back to late, so about 4 - 5 they should be back. 

Okay that should be all, if anything missing i'll post it up again and got any queries contact me. Oh and i forgot to mention, we're doing the 1st idea, cause painting in the centre/ orphanage will be too messy and uncoordinated and all sorts of problems, so yeah.


- DR

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